Featured Alums

Aaron Levy ‘16

Political Science Major | Environmental Studies Minor

Levy came into Wooster with an interest in renewable energy and left with a passion. Its unique course load allowed him to draw from the spectrum of disciplines that cross with the Environmental sciences; economics, politics, biology, physics, and apply them to renewables. Coming out of senior year, Aaron Levy got an internship with a wind-energy technology company in Boston called V Squared Wind, which was under grant contract with the US Department of Defense developing modular and rapidly deployable wind energy systems for tactical energy at Forward Operating Bases.


Alex Haas ’14

Global Urban Sustainability (Self-designed)

Haas initially went to college to pursue biology and chemistry, but he fell in love with Ohio’s local agriculture scene and learned how the technical and social sciences beautifully came together in food systems work. Alex Haas spent the summer after college graduation working for a farmer’s market that targeted customers living in a food desert in South Salt Lake, UT. He then joined a team of solar installers with a start-up solar company that eventually installed the largest privately-owned solar array on a stadium that hosted UT’s Premier Soccer League. Since 2015, Haas focused on community food systems work, particularly with underserved low-income and New American populations, as part of the International Rescue Committee’s (IRC) New Roots programs in Utah, Maryland and Virginia.


Erin Plews-Ogan ’13

Anthropology Major | Environmental Studies Minor

Plews-Ogan’s environmental studies courses at Wooster exposed her to issues of environmental justice, particularly related to agriculture. After Wooster, Erin Plews-Ogan worked in the University of Virginia’s Infectious Diseases Clinic as a Community Health Worker with the HIV program. She is now in her fourth year at Harvard Medical School, planning to do Internal Medicine/Primary Care or Infectious Disease. Plews-Ogan is interested in farmworker health and the effect of climate change on community health and would love to work in a community health center/mobile health setting.


Rita Frost ’14

Political Science Major | Economics & Environmental Studies Double Minor

Frost’s personal and academic experience at the College of Wooster are inseparable from the professional that she has today. Beginning with Professor Mariola’s FYS, it was illuminated that the College of Wooster was where she could truly explore my interest of the complex intersection of our natural world, society, and the paradox of an insurmountable problem humanity has created (climate change) and our unique ability to band together to right our wrongs. Since graduating the College of Wooster, Rita Frost has dedicated her professional career to advocating for the environment as a campaigner.